Meet Oregon’s Poet Laureate, Ellen Waterston
Oregon’s Poet Laureate is coming to town. Ellen Waterston is a long time friend of Fishtrap, an accomplished award-winning writer, educator, and supporter of creative writing and writers in Oregon. Fishtrap will open its doors on Wednesday, March 19 for a casual hour to meet and visit with Ellen. Enjoy light snacks and maybe hear a poem or two.
Elderspeak: A Lunchtime Discussion
A talk with Ellen Waterston, Oregon’s Poet Laureate. A celebrated author, poet, and literary arts advocate, Waterston is known for her evocative storytelling and deep connection to the Western landscape. She will share insights into her writing journey, read selections from her work, and discuss the power of poetry to shape our understanding of place.
Author! Author! with Ellen Waterston
Oregon's eleventh Poet Laureate, Ellen Waterston, offers a writing workshop as part of Deschutes Public Library Foundation's annual event series.
Studio Series Poetry Reading and Open Mic with Ellen Waterston
Oregon Poet Laureate Ellen Waterston will be featured at the July 13, 2025 Studio Series Poetry Reading and Open Mic hosted by Leah Stenson at the Ross Island Grocery & Cafe. The event is free and open to the public, and attendees are welcome to read at the open mic after Ellen Waterston's reading.
Poetry Workshop and Reading with Ellen Waterston
Oregon Poet Laureate Ellen Waterston will lead a poetry workshop for adults and teens from 3:00 to 5:00 p.m. Space is limited; preregister at the library. A poetry reading will follow at 6:30 p.m. in the Grace Scatterday room.
Down to the Studs: The Essentials
Supplemented with handouts and using a variety of in-class approaches, this three-hour intensive will explore what’s essential in landing a poem, from inside out and outside in. Limited to 20 participants. Register here.
Ditch Rider: Reflecting on the First Six Months as Oregon’s Poet Laureate
Six months into her two-year term as Oregon’s eleventh Poet Laureate, Ellen Waterston will share anecdotes, examples of writings that have emerged from workshops by youth and elders across the state, and a sampling of recent commissions for official functions. She will also invite those present to participate in her poet laureate project.
Poem: Luck of the Divide
A poem by Ellen Waterston, Oregon's eleventh Poet Laureate
Terroir Creative Writing Festival
Oregon Poet Laureate Ellen Waterston will participate in the 2025 Terroir Creative Writing Festival. The aim of the festival is to build a stronger literary community by encouraging and spotlighting local writers while also making connections with the writing and publishing community beyond Yamhill County.
Reading with Ellen Waterston
Oregon Poet Laureate Ellen Waterston presents her work at Cook Memorial Library.
Caldera Hearth Festival
Caldera invites community members of all ages to participate in family-friendly Maker Stations and explore creativity through a variety of mediums. The festival will feature music, art, films, and speakers including Oregon Poet Laureate Ellen Waterston. Learn more and RSVP for this free event.
Our fellowship programs support individuals in sharing art and stories across the state
Oregon's Poet Laureate Program: One Hundred Years and Counting
Join Oregon’s Poet Laureate, Anis Mojgani, to celebrate one hundred years of the Oregon Poet Laureate Program! Anis will be joined by two of Oregon’s previous poets laureate, Kim Stafford and Paulann Petersen Jennifer Alkezweeny, Oregon Humanities' Program Director, will speak about the history of the Poet Laureate program in Oregon, followed by poetry readings from Anis, Kim, and Paulann. A brief Q&A session will conclude the event.
Oregon Poet Laureate Anis Mojgani
Oregon Poet Laureate Anis Mojgani leads a writing workshop.
Poetry Performance by Anis Mojgani
Anis Mojgani performs his work for National Poetry Month.
The Most, the All of It: New Music, New Spoken Word
Portland Jazz Composers Ensemble (PJCE) and Oregon Poet Laureate Anis Mojgani team up to curate an evening of music and spoken word that sets the artists free to inspire, to rejuvenate, and to provoke reflection. Mojgani and PJCE will pair Portland-based performing poets and composers to work with the twelve-member jazz ensemble in a concert featuring a cross-section of composers representing many corners of the Portland poetry and jazz scenes.
Learn more about this event and buy tickets at PJCE's website.
Writing Workshop with Anis Mojgani
Oregon Poet Laureate Anis Mojgani presents a writing workshop for National Poetry Month.
State Land Board Awards Ceremony
Oregon Poet Laureate Anis Mojgani will appear at the Oregon State Land Board awards ceremony alongside Governor Kate Brown, Secretary of State Shemia Fagan, and State Treasurer Tobias Read. This year's awards will honor the Elliott State Research Forest Advisory Committee.
This event will be streamed live on YouTube.
Poetry Walk: Anis Mojgani
Join Oregon Poet Laureate Anis Mojgani for a poetry walk and reading. This free event will begin at the Wonder Garden, across the street from the Hoffman Art Center. Read more about this event.