
Oregon Humanities offers programs that help Oregonians connect, reflect, and learn from each other. Our fellowship programs support individuals in sharing art and stories across the state.

Community Storytelling Fellowship

The Community Storytelling Fellowship is awarded annually to Oregonians who belong to communities that are underrepresented in Oregon media. Each fellow receives $5,000 to support the creation of true stories about those communities—journalism, creative nonfiction, and multimedia—to be shared in Oregon Humanities magazine and other publications.

Fields Artist Fellowship

The Fields Artist Fellowship awards $150,000 each to four artists or culture bearers over a two-year period. The fellowship is presented by the Oregon Community Foundation and Oregon Humanities.

Oregon Poet Laureate

The Oregon Poet Laureate fosters the art of poetry, encourages literacy and learning, addresses central issues relating to humanities and heritage, and reflects on public life in Oregon. Oregon Humanities administers the Oregon Poet Laureate program for the Oregon Cultural Trust.

Community Storytelling Fellowship

The Community Storytelling Fellowship supports storytellers working in any medium—written journalism, audio, video, comics, photography, and more—in sharing stories from communities they are part of.

Fields Artist Fellowship

The Fields Artist Fellowship is a partnership between Oregon Humanities (OH) and the Oregon Community Foundation (OCF), aimed at investing in individual artists, culture bearers, and their communities.

Meet the 2024 Community Storytelling Fellows

Oregon Humanities is excited to announce the recipients of the 2024 Community Storytelling Fellowship,

Meet the 2024–26 Fields Artist Fellows

Oregon Humanities, in partnership with Oregon Community Foundation, is pleased to announce the recipients of the third Fields Artist Fellowship.

Past Fields Artists Fellows

Learn more about the recipients of the Fields Artist Fellowship.