Resources for Conversation Project Hosts

As a host, you are responsible for inviting organizations and individuals to join your event. Please use the materials below to create your own outreach materials. We’ve also included a sample timeline for promoting your event. Since you know your community best, feel free to adapt these materials, the timeline, and the strategies to your needs. Once your conversation is approved, you’ll receive emails from Oregon Humanities assisting you along the way. Here’s an overview to get you started on outreach and registration:

Connect with the Facilitator
You’ll receive an email from Oregon Humanities connecting you directly with the Conversation Project Leader to schedule a date and time for the conversation. Use the form in the email to send us information about your event, including whether or not you’d like us to add the event to our public calendar. 

Outreach Materials

Outreach Timeline

  • Four to five weeks before the Conversation Project

    • Identify the group you want to get talking. Think broadly and creatively: Who is connected to the topic? Who is already doing work focused on the topic? Make a list of groups and people who represent many different sectors and perspectives. Keep in mind your current network and partners as well, as they may be able to mention the conversation on their social media and at their own events.

    Three to four weeks before the Conversation Project

    • Use a system to manage RSVPs (EventBrite, Zoom, or your own system) and if your conversation is virtual create a way for only registered participants to receive the link to join the event. If you’re using Zoom Meeting for your conversation, Zoom has a registration system that makes it easy for you to set up the event and for participants to get the information they need to attend.
      • Add the following language to your registration page: “By registering for this event, you will receive emails about other events and opportunities from Oregon Humanities.” Include your own organization as well, if you plan to add them to your list.
    • Use Oregon Humanities materials to create a flyer and add the information and RSVP link to your website, if your program is public. If you create an event on Facebook, please add Oregon Humanities as a cohost so we can also share your event.
    • Send email invites and make phone calls to the groups and people you identified above.
    • Use the press release template to reach out to local newspapers, radio and TV stations. Customize the press release as appropriate for the audiences you’re trying to reach. The template is also available in Spanish.
      • Often media outlets have a link on their website you can use to submit a story.
      • If they only offer an email address, copy and paste the press release into the body of the email and use the title of the press release as a subject line.
  • One or two weeks before the event

    • Periodically post information about the event on social media. Feel free to tag Oregon Humanities so we can share your post.
    • Follow up with the media outlets you reached out to by email or phone if they haven’t already posted your event.
    • Send email reminders and make phone calls to groups and people you’ve personally invited. Emails and phone calls a day or two before the event can help boost turnout.

At the Conversation

  • Customize and use the Oregon Humanities host script to welcome participants, acknowledge Oregon Humanities and the Conversation Project, share why your organization wanted to host this conversation, and introduce the Conversation Project leader. The script is also available in Spanish.
  • Print out and use our sign-in sheet (English, Spanish) or use your list of registered participants to make a note of who actually attended.
  • If the program is in person, arrange chairs in a circle or another configuration that allows people to see and talk with each other.
  • If the program is virtual, assist the Conversation Project leader with any technical logistics, including breakout rooms and and screen sharing.

Event Follow-up

  • Customize and use the sample email template to thank people for joining the conversation and encourage them to fill out the participant survey. The template is also available in Spanish.
  • Fill out the host evaluation form in the email you receive from us on the day of your conversation, attach attendee information, and pay your invoice.

That's it! Thanks again for partnering with us to host a Conversation Project for your community! 


Conversation Project, Programs


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Also in The Conversation Project

What People Are Saying about the Conversation Project

Resources for Conversation Project Hosts

Toolkits and Discussion Guides

Housing and Belonging