February 17, 2018 | 10:00 a.m. | Eastern Oregon University Multicultural Center
1 University Blvd., Hoke Union Bldg. Rm. 212, La Grande OR 97850
Issues of cultural appropriation and identity are complicated. Power dynamics influence who benefits from certain cultural experience, and—given the global nature of our world—parts of our individual and cultural identities are shaped by cultures other than our own. How do we make sense of this and what effect does it have on us as individuals and as Oregonians? Facilitator Surabhi Mahajan will lead us in a conversation to explore cultural appropriation beyond who’s “allowed” to wear certain clothing or cook particular foods. Read more.
Eastern Oregon University - Multicultural Center
Bennie Moses-Mesubed at (541) 962-3741 or bmoses@eou.edu