Connect In Place: Should Schools Reopen? Risk, Reward, and Making Decisions in Community

with Aimee Craig

April 6, 2021 | 5:00 p.m. Pacific | Virtual Event

Online, statewide & beyond

Schools in Oregon are in the process of bringing students back into physical classrooms after a full year of virtual learning for many. Families and educators, as those primarily responsible for the well-being of students, are making lots of decisions about what is best for them individually as well as for their schools. Join Aimee Craig in a reflective conversation that asks, How do you weigh risks and benefits? How do we make decisions as a community when risk is involved? This conversation is designed for parents, caretakers, and educators to creatively explore the themes of risk and decision-making in the current context of school reopening.

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Aimee Craig is a mother, a partner, a karaoke enthusiast, an avid podcast listener, a grief group facilitator, and a relentless empath. She rarely gets paid for any of those titles. What she does get paid for is helping organizations clarify and act on their mission, vision, and values and embody their ideals through process facilitation, community engagement, and communications. Spending her career as a communications strategist and facilitator in the education sector has raised many practical and theoretical questions for her about education and schooling. Aimee is a cofounder and managing partner of SeeChange, which works to make systems and organizations more responsive to and reflective of those most impacted by them.

Event Sponsors

Oregon Humanities




Rachel Bernstein at