Events & Opportunities
May 8, 2025
Softening Sharp Teeth: Getting Curious about Conflict
Interpersonal conflict and disagreement are part of being in relationship with others, but many of us fear conflict. Motivated by many factors, including cultural norms, concern for social consequences, and personal safety, many of us avoid it. What might we learn and how might we grow by making more room for conflict? What skills do we need to responsibly engage in conflict? How can shifting our relationship to conflict offer us new perspectives about ourselves and the groups we belong to? This community conversation is an opportunity to reflect on our relationships to interpersonal conflict outside of where we might most often encounter it, like the heated context of an argument at the dinner table or online. Facilitator Emily Squires will lead a judgement- and jargon-free discussion of what we mean when we say conflict, considering how interpersonal conflict shapes our lives and tools to use when experiencing it.
6:00 p.m., Cedar Mill Community Library, Portland
May 12, 2025
Facilitation Training for Libraries
Oregon Humanities will present three trainings in 2025 for staff, board members, volunteers, and program partners of Oregon libraries of all types (public, academic, school, and tribal). These trainings will help people involved with libraries strengthen their skills in leading conversations about vital issues and ideas across differences, beliefs, and backgrounds. With the 250th anniversary of the Declaration of Independence as a jumping off point, participants will learn about facilitation and reflective conversation, practice new skills and techniques, and learn to design and facilitate conversations that allow people and groups to learn more about themselves and each other.
9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., 1899 Foundry, Burns
May 15, 2025
Softening Sharp Teeth: Getting Curious about Conflict
Interpersonal conflict and disagreement are part of being in relationship with others, but many of us fear conflict. Motivated by many factors, including cultural norms, concern for social consequences, and personal safety, many of us avoid it. What might we learn and how might we grow by making more room for conflict? What skills do we need to responsibly engage in conflict? How can shifting our relationship to conflict offer us new perspectives about ourselves and the groups we belong to? This community conversation is an opportunity to reflect on our relationships to interpersonal conflict outside of where we might most often encounter it, like the heated context of an argument at the dinner table or online. Facilitator Emily Squires will lead a judgement- and jargon-free discussion of what we mean when we say conflict, considering how interpersonal conflict shapes our lives and tools to use when experiencing it.
4:00 p.m., Tillamook Library, Tillamook
May 17, 2025
What Matters at Life’s End? Exploring Your End-of-life Wishes
Many of us know we should talk about what matters at the end of our lives, but we don’t always know where or how to start these conversations. Once people start exploring death and dying, they often realize it’s not so scary to talk about after all. It can be comforting and empowering to know more about your options and consider what would be helpful for those who may be making decisions on your behalf. Who do you want with you when you are dying? What environments feel most comfortable? Do you have a preference for what happens to your body and your possessions after you die? How do you want to be remembered? This conversation provides a space and dedicated time for reflecting and exploring your end-of-life wishes.
2:00 p.m., Ledding Library of Milwaukie, Milwaukie

May 24, 2025
A Thousand Hands: Art and Spiritual Healing with Crystal Meneses
Join interdisciplinary artist, death doula, and hospice chaplain Crystal Meneses in a transformative So Much Together workshop that explores art as a tool for healing. Through storytelling, conversation, mindfulness activities, and art making, participants will learn to access insights using the practice of art divination.
12:30 pm to 3:30 pm, Newport Visual Arts Center, Newport
June 7, 2025
Peace, Dreams, and Love Supreme: Embodying Turtle Wisdom with Betty LaDuke
Join Betty LaDuke for a So Much Together workshop that will expand possibilities for how we experience and imagine the personal, playful, and political in our own lives and communities.
12:30 to 3:30 p.m., Leaven Community Center, Portland
July 13, 2025
Studio Series Poetry Reading and Open Mic with Ellen Waterston
Oregon Poet Laureate Ellen Waterston will be featured at the July 13, 2025 Studio Series Poetry Reading and Open Mic hosted by Leah Stenson at the Ross Island Grocery & Cafe. The event is free and open to the public, and attendees are welcome to read at the open mic after Ellen Waterston's reading.
7:00 p.m., Ross Island Grocery and Cafe, Portland
October 18, 2025
Astoria Creative Writing Festival
Oregon Poet Laureate Ellent Waterston will appear alongside other writers at a weekend of readings, workshops, and literary happenings all centered in Oregon's oldest coastal town. Learn more about this event.
All day, Barbey Center, Astoria